Kolibri workshop programme

We wish to thank all our participants who attended our recently concluded two-day workshop about introduction to Kolibri platform. This workshop was only to introduce us to the platform and its different channel contents. We are happy once again to inform you that we have organized another Kolibri workshop slated for next week and thus invite you to attend. In this workshop we shall be looking at some customization and settings that can be made on the platform and some other features. This workshop will still be conducted online.

We shall maintain our two meeting days and we therefore call upon all participants willing to join us to see workshop schedule details below;

Group one: Individuals who would wish to be in group one will have their workshop on Tuesday 22-June-2021 at exactly 8:00am for 1 hour.

Group Two: Group two members shall have their workshop on Wednesday 23-June-2021 at exactly 8:00am for 1 hour

NOTE: We request JitsiMeet members to have google meet installed on your phones or laptops so that you join google meet members.

Waiting to see you there!

Covid 19 Reminder: Covid19 is real, continue observing SOPs- Wash your hands, Wear your clean face masks, sanitize always, and keep social distance. Let's protect our lives and lives of our dear ones.


Ogwal Isaac


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